Copper is essential for modern living. It delivers electricity and clean water into our homes and cities and makes an important contribution to sustainable development. More than that, it is essential for life itself. Copper is interwoven with the story of humanity’s progress. Its crucial role in our homes, in transportation, as well as in infrastructure and in our industries is omnipresent. Over the 1000's of years since its discovery, substitution has been modest due to the difficulty duplicating copper’s unique characteristics. Man’s oldest metal, copper, still remains at the heart of emerging technology for the future.

COPPER IS VERSATILE - Copper’s physical attributes include superior electrical conductivity, corrosion resistance, structural capability, efficient heat transfer and aesthetics. Over the centuries, substitution of competing materials has been modest because it is difficult to duplicate copper’s unique characteristics. Copper is also easily alloyed with other metals. Currently, there are more than 570 copper alloys listed with the American Society for Testing and Materials International. More than 350 of them have been acknowledged by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as antimicrobial.
COMMUNICATIONS - Copper has been at the center of communications breakthroughs throughout human history, from the telephone to high-speed computer applications, satellite technology and wireless communications.
INFRASTRUCTURE - Copper is the backbone of construction: a critical metal for wire, plumbing and hardware. It is the best conductor of electricity and heat, vital to energy efficiency.
TECHNOLOGY - Renewable and alternative energy applications, medical science research, and hybrid and electric automobile development depend on the red metal and use more copper than standard applications. For example, the typical U.S.-built conventional automobile contains approximately 50 pounds of copper, and hybrid and electric vehicles can use more than double that amount.
MEDICAL - Copper has an inherent ability to kill a wide range of harmful microbes relatively rapidly – often within two hours or less – and with a high degree of efficiency.
SUPPLY and DEMAND - Perspective from Dr. Tim Marsh
A new cycle of growth in the world’s largest economies, particularly the U.S. and China, is making itself felt in shrinking global inventories of refined copper and a 20% increase in copper’s price since January 2017. The Company anticipates that sustained global economic growth will further highlight the need for new, large sources of copper. With nearly a decade of underinvestment in the fundamental activity of exploration by most major mining companies and unrelenting exploitation of known copper reserves, the world is descending into the bottom of a very deep copper supply hole. Demand for copper continues its inexorable growth while known resources are consumed and large replacement discoveries aren’t forthcoming.
The Company believes that copper’s role as the prime mover of the energy, information, and technology demanded by modern society is growing increasingly intense, and that new supplies of this critical material will soon be highly prized. Bell continues to pursue the discovery of globally significant copper resources through drilling of its Kabba porphyry copper system in the historically productive and low risk jurisdiction of Arizona. We aim to create value by becoming the best solution for major copper producers scrambling to restore credible pipelines of future copper production.